Swampy successfully half enveloped Rosa’s bunched up cavalry with her spearmen and a one-sided massacre began. Swampy also sent his Armored Sergeants-cavalry killers for support while his Pavise Crossbowmen also began to shoot at the big targets. Not daunted by the numbers, a single unit of Imperial knights rode up the Rosa’s cavalry forces to stop them in their tracks. Now that her forces are in range, Swampy’s gunmen cheerfully began the fireworks. Before his artillery begins its deadly work, Rosa already began to charge with all of her cavalry. His Militia Pikemen created a right angle corner type defense with infantry and missile support behind them. Swampy also consolidated his holdings on a small rising just north of Rosa’s previous position. However, Rosa probably didn’t notice that nugget of information. If Rosa had stationed her men here then Swampy simply couldn’t hit her and will have no choice but to engage in melee in which Rosa had the advantage. Just then I noticed a wide depression behind the hill. Rosa meanwhile consolidated her position on the hilltop but I knew it wasn’t a solution against Swampy’s artillery. Pikes first, then the rest of his army following. Swampy immediately followed her with his army now that she is outside of his artillery range. By chance or choice, there was another hill behind her near the south east corner of the map, which also offered excellent defensive places.

However, either due to some strategy or due to innate fear of artilleries, Rosa chose to abandon her position and move further back. One unit of Dismounted Lancers equals 440 florins while 2 Serpentines equals 1400 florins. In the end Rosa might lose a whole unit of her Dismounted Byzantine Lancers before Swampy finally run out of ammo but it is a small price to pay. All Rosa had to do was to pull half of his forces back a bit while stretching his infantry into thinner ranks so even the luckiest shot will blow away only 2 men at a time. Such weakness is more apparent in larger unit settings since the artillery pieces do not multiply proportionately with men’s numbers. Even with the extra ammunition, the Serpentines usually cannot hope to make a serious dent in the enemy ranks to make up for its expense of 700 florins. Here and there infantry fell by twos and threes. Many of the shots missed, but the rest found their marks. With a range of 450 yards, they were able to shoot and reach the ranks of Rosa’s infantry. If there was one advantage Swampy had over Rosa in this standoff, it was his Serpentines. Since both sides didn’t want that to happen to them, they waited. The one who first attacks will most likely be shot to bits, will grow tired even before the serous engagement, and the opponents flanking move might collapse the whole army. With such preparations on both sides, it was sheer folly for either of them to attack first. Her deployment was straight forward, with infantry in the center, archers right behind them, and cavalry on the sides.

Any attackers will have height disadvantage while assaulting from the front and her impressive array of cavalry will make short work of them by flanking from both sides. Her knowledge of terrain wasn’t novice either and she picked a relatively flat plateau overlooking a sunken road. Rosa on the other hand is a fairly new face on the M2:TW ladder although she has vast experience in playing R:TW, its predecessor. He chose an orthodox formation of pikes in the front, spearmen and swordsmen right behind with missile supports in the center. The hill gives him an enviable range of sight and shooting power while the woods will slow down any adventurous attackers. Swampy, the M2:TW reigning ladder champion demonstrated his knowledge of terrain and picked a naked hill top ringed by woods, a perfect defensive spot for pike-and-artillery type armies. HG-SubRosa (Byzantines)Ĭavalry-General’s Bodyguard, Imperial Knights, Feudal Knights, Mounted Crossbowmenįoot-2 Dismounted Feudal Knights, 3 Armored Sergeants, 1 Hand gunners, 3 Pavise CrossbowmenĬavalry-General’s Bodyguard, 2 Latinkon, 4 Byzantine lancersįoot-Varangian Guard, 4 Dismounted Byzantine Lancers, 4 Byzantine Guard Archers